
Articoli scientifici

  • Baruffini M. (2020) Innovation and Sustainable Inclusive Employment: Evidence from the “region Insubrica” during the COVID-19 Outbreak. The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment New Evidence from Regional and Local Labour Market. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 281-293. ISBN 9783957102805
  • Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2020) Impact of labour market liberalisation on minimum wage effects: The case of the construction sector in a small open economy, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8 (3):155-174. ISSN 2353-8821
  • Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2020) The effect of reduced unemployment duration on the unemployment rate: a Synthetic Control Approach, European Journal of Government and Economics, 9 (1-2020):46-73. ISSN 2254-7088
  • Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2019) Do wages and job satisfaction really depend on educational mismatch? Evidence from an international sample of Master graduates, Education + Training, 61 (2):201-221
  • Baruffini M. (2019) Perceptions of Job Insecurity in Switzerland: Evidence Using Verbal and Numerical Descriptors, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10) (1785):16-1785
  • Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2019) Do wages and job satisfaction really depend on educational mismatch? Evidence from an international sample of Master graduates
  • Baruffini M. (2018) Analysing Demand-oriented Skills in the Commercial Sector: The Swiss Case. Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 227-239. ISBN 9783957102157
  • Baruffini M., Origo F. (2017) Job satisfaction, flexibility and security: evidence from Swiss individual-level data
  • Baruffini M., Stricker L. (2017) The Governance Process in the Swiss Regional Labour Market Observatories. The Importance of Governance in Regional Labour Market Monitoring for Evidence-based Policy-making. Larsen, Christa; Rand, Sigrid; Schmid, Alfons; Nagel, Tilman; Hoess, Heike. Rainer Hampp Verlag, 25-39. ISBN 9783957102003
  • Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2017) Spatial Planning and Policy Evaluation in an Urban Conurbation: a Regional Agent-Based Economic Model, Economy of Region, 13 (1):261-275. ISSN 2072-6414
  • Baruffini, M. (2016). “The Impact of ‘Industry 4.0’ on a Regional Labour Market”, in Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand, Alfons Schmid, Päive Holopainen, Pirita Jokikaarre, Katri Kuusela, Nina Alapuranen (Eds.) Digital Revolution and Its Effects on Labour,Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 2016
  • Baruffini, M. and Maggi, R. (2016). “Immigration effect on human capital and local multipliers in a trans-border regional labour market”. RSA Annual Conference (2016), 3rd - 6th April 2016, Graz, Austria
  • Baruffini, M. (2016) “An Agent-Based Simulation of the Swiss Labour Market: An Alternative for Policy”, Policy and Complex Systems - Volume 2 Number 1 - Spring 2015
  • Baruffini, M. (2015). “Assessing Data Collection and Data Quality for Labour Market Monitoring”, in Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand, Alfons Schmid, Mario Mezzanzanica, Silvia Dusi (Eds.) Big Data and the Complexity of Labour Market Policies: New Approaches in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring for Reducing Skills Mismatches,Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 2015
  • Baruffini M. and Stricker, L. (2015) “Different roles of municipalities in an urban agglomeration: a regional agent-based economic model” in ERSA conference papers from European Regional Science Association (2015). Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • Baruffini, M., Motz, A. and Mini, V. (2014). “Competitiveness and Labour Market Impacts of Renewable Energy in Switzerland”, in Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand, Alfons Schmid, Rolf Keil (Eds.) Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Employment, Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring,  Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 2014
  • Baruffini, M. and Origo, F. (2014). “Job satisfaction and flexicurity over the business cycle: evidence from Swiss individual-level data” in ERSA conference papers from European Regional Science Association (2014). Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • Baruffini, M. and Mini, V. (2013), “Surveillance of the Swiss Labour Market in the Context of the EU Bilateral Agreements: The Regional Labour Market Observatories”, in Larsen C., Rand S., Schmid A., Atin, E. and Serrano, R. (Eds.) (2013) Shifting roles and functions of regional and local labour market observatories across Europe, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering, 2013
  • Baruffini, M. (2013). “An agent-based simulation of the Swiss labour market: an alternative for the labour market policy evaluation” in ERSA conference papers from European Regional Science Association (2013). Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • Baruffini, M. and Mini, V. (2012), “Upgrading skills of young workers in Switzerland: local skill strategies in the city of Lugano”, in Larsen C., Hasberg R., Schmid A., Atin, E. and Brzowski, J. (Eds.) (2012) Skills monitoring in European regions and localities, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering, 2012
  • Mini V. et al. (2012). "Il Cantone Ticino di oggi e di domani tra rischi e opportunità", in “Programma d’attuazione della politica regionale 2012-2015 del Cantone Ticino, base di discussione per l’allestimento della Convenzione di programma della politica regionale 2012-2015 tra il Cantone Ticino e la Confederazione” , Dipartimento delle finanze e dell’economia, Bellinzona - CH.
  • Mini V. (2012). "Frontalierato e competitività cantonale: un’interpretazione della situazione corrente". I quaderni dell’associazione Carlo Cattaneo (2012): n.69 (35-51).
  • Mini V., Guerra G. (2012). " Le canton du Tessin entre les s défis de la concurrence et les s marges de manœuvre des pouvoirs publics". La vie Economique, éditée par le Secrétariat d'État à l'économie (SECO) et le Département fédéral de l'économie (DFE) (2012) : n.10 – 2012, anno 85 (42-47).
  • Baruffini, M. (2011), “Cross-border commuting in the Swiss-Italian region; labour market effects of progressive integration”, in Larsen C., Hasberg R., Schmid A., Bittner M. and Clément F. (Eds.) (2011) Measuring Geographical Mobility in Regional Labour Market Monitoring, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering, 2011.
  • Grimpe C., Patuelli R. (2011), “Regional Knowledge Production in Nanomaterials: A Spatial Filtering Approach”, The Annals of Regional Science 46 (3): 519-41
  • Patuelli R., Reggiani A., Nijkamp P., Schanne N. (2011), “Neural Networks for Regional Employment Forecasts: Are the Parameters Relevant?”, Journal of Geographical Systems 13 (1): 67-85
  • Patuelli R., Griffith D. A., Tiefelsdorf M., Nijkamp P. (2011), “Spatial Filtering and Eigenvector Stability: Space-Time Models for German Unemployment Data”, International Regional Science Review 34 (2): 253-280
  • Patuelli R., Vaona A., Grimpe C. (2010), “The German East-West Divide in Knowledge Production: An Application to Nanomaterial Patenting”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) 101 (5): 568-82
  • Maggi R., Rudel R. (2008), “The Value of Quality Attributes in Freight Transport. Evidence from an SP-Experiment in Switzerland”, in M. Ben-Akiva, H. Meersman and E. Van de Voorde (eds.), Recent Developments in Transport Modelling: Lessons for the Freight Sector, Emerald
  • Patuelli R., Longhi S., Reggiani A., Nijkamp P., Blien U. (2007), “A Rank-order Test on the Statistical Performance of Neural Network Models for Regional Labor Market Forecasts”, The Review of Regional Studies 37 (1): 64-81
  • Patuelli R., Longhi S., Reggiani A., Nijkamp P. (2007), “Forecasting Regional Employment in Germany by means of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms”, Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (4): 701-22
  • Iacobucci D., Mini V., Iacopini A. (2006), “Marche: un progetto per connettere ricerca e industria”, ITACA n.5
  • Mini V., Cerri P. (2006), “Finanza, Impresa e Centri di Ricerca. Un impegno per l'innovazione nella regione Marche”, ITACA n.6
  • Maggi R. (2005), “Financing in Transport Infrastructure”, in K.J. Button and D.A. Hensher (eds) Handbook of Transport, Vol 6. Amsterdam (Elsevier), pp. 285-297
  • Bolis Gelmini S., Maggi R. (2003), “Logistic Strategy and Transport Service Choices. An Adaptive Stated Preferences Experiment”, Growth and Change - A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy, Special Issue STELLA FG 1, Vol. 34, No 4