Articoli scientifici
Articoli pubblicati in riviste scientifiche “peer-reviewed”
- Motz, A., 2021. Security of supply and the energy transition: The households' perspective investigated through a discrete choice model with latent classes. Energy Economics 97, 105179.
- Motz, A., 2021. Consumer acceptance of the energy transition in Switzerland: The role of attitudes explained through a hybrid discrete choice model. Energy Policy 151, 112152.
- Galletta, S., Jametti, M. and Redonda, A., 2015. Highway to Economic Growth? Competition in Public Works Tenders in the Democratic Republic of Congo. South African Journal of Economics, 83(2), pp.240-252.
- Galletta, S. and Jametti, M., 2015. How to tame two Leviathans? Revisiting the effect of direct democracy on local public expenditure in a federation. European Journal of Political Economy, 39, pp.82-93.
- Jametti, M. and Joanis, M., 2015. Electoral Competition as a Determinant of Fiscal Decentralisation. Fiscal Studies.
- Brülhart M., Parchet R., 2014. Alleged Tax Competition: The Mysterious Death of Bequest Taxes in Switzerland, Journal of Public Economics, 111:63-78.
- Jametti, M. and Joanis, M., 2014. Elections and de facto Expenditure Decentralization in Canada. CIRANO-Scientific Publications 2014s-28.
- Jametti, M., 2014. Tax Competition and Direct Democracy in Local Public Finance-Empirical Work on Switzerland. DICE Report, 12(1), p.12.
Capitoli di libri
- Griga D., Motz A., Baruffini M. (2024) Skills Shortages in Switzerland: Assessment of the Challenge, Proposed Solutions, and Insight into a Key Sector. Shortages of Skilled and Unskilled Labour: Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories.. Nomos, 19-28. ISBN 9783748947769
- Baruffini M., Motz A., Griga D. (2023) The Swiss Labour Market and the Green Transition: Expected Impacts, Monitoring Challenges, and Policy Needs. Pathways of Greening Labour Markets. Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Observation in Europe and Beyond. Nomos, 141-156
- Ascari S., Motz A., Makholm J., Petrovich B., Correlje A. (2021) End-user price liberalization versus regulation. Lessons from advanced markets. Natural gas price control - Theoretical issues and world case studies. European University Institute, 1-32. ISBN 9789290849858
Altre pubblicazioni
- Motz A. (2024) "Renewable Energy Communities in Italy: Why Still so Few? Insights from the Journey of a Grassroots Initiative, IAEE Energy Forum, 3rd Quarter 2024
- Gahrens S., Petrovich B., Motz A., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) Is Perceived Climate Friendliness Driving EV Adoption? Exploring Consumer Knowledge at Different Stages of the Vehicle Purchasing Process, IAEE Energy Forum, 3rd Quarter 2022
- Motz A., Petrovich B., Gahrens S., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) "Solar sharing economy" or "my home is my power plant"? Profiling collective and individual solar prosumers in Southern Switzerland, IAEE Energy Forum, 2nd Quarter 2022
- Motz A. (2021) What is the Value of Security of Supply for Households and Business Consumers? An Assessment Accounting for Trade-offs and Psychological Drivers, IAEE Energy Forum, 3rd Quarter 2021
- Motz A. (2019) Die Schweiz ist keine Energieinsel, Die Volkswirtshaft, N. 8-9