
confronti 2013 economia

The economic competitiveness of Ticino: opportunities for a border region in an open market

The economic competitiveness analysis of Ticino highlights various critical aspects in comparison with other Swiss cantons. The actual challenge concerns the ability to read and reinterpret these factors in a new way, to transform them into competitive asset of our economic system. In addition, the fact of being a border region opens various opportunities related to the people and businesses flows.
confronti 2013 aims to explore these issues: thanks to the involvement of researchers, policymakers and actors working in/on border regions, we will discuss the opportunities for our canton.
The program structure includes a first part devoted to some presentations hold by speakers from O-Pol, Swiss and Italian Universities particularly focused on workers and firms’ mobility. The first section ends with a critical reading on the possibilities for the Ticino within the open labor market. The second section is in a panel discussion of academics and economic operators.


08h00 – 08h30 Reception
08h30 – 08h40 Welcome and Introduction
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
08h40 – 09h00 The economic competitiveness of Ticino, a border region
Valentina Mini, IRE-Università della Svizzera italiana
09h00 – 09h30 The localization of foreign companies in a border region. Attractiveness' factors, effects and policies
Giulio Cainelli, Università degli Studi di Padova
09h30 – 10h00 The impact of migration on the Swiss economy
George Sheldon, University of Basel
10h00 – 10h30 Opportunities for the labor Market in a cross-border Region
Boris Zürcher, SECO
10h30 – 11h00 Coffee break
10h45 – 12h15 Round table: what are the prospects for Ticino as a border region?
Boris Zürcher, SECO; George Sheldon, University of Basel; Giulio Cainelli, Università degli Studi di Padova; Valentina Mini, IRE-Università della Svizzera italiana; Carlo Centonze, HeiQ Materials AG, and Giuseppe Perale, Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA.

Moderated by Rico Maggi, IRE Director

12h30 – 12h45 Conclusions
On. Laura Sadis, Direttrice del Dipartimento delle finanze e dell'economia del Canton Ticino
12h45 – 13h00 Closing remarks
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
13h00 Buffet

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino – confronTi: "Anche il Ticino fa la sua parte", Gian Luigi Trucco, 29 novembre 2013

GIORNALEdelPOPOLO – Competitività del Ticino in un mondo che cambia, Corrado Bianchi Porro, 29 novembre 2013

laRegioneTicino – La competitività fa crescere, Generoso Chiaradonna, 29 novembre 2013

TELETICINO – TicinoNews: Il Ticino, un mercato di frontiera tra sfide e insidie, 28 novembre 2013