
Tourism Observatory (O-Tur)


Tourism Observatory (O-Tur), being integrated in the research activity of the Institute for Economic Research (IRE), as well as involving Master of International Tourism of Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland, can therefore benefit from the relevant cooperation and diverse competences, in particular for what concerns observation of economic dynamics.

The main objective of O-Tur is to increase and disseminate knowledge on the tourism industry of the Canton, by means of systematic observation and analysis of tourism demand and local supply at the destinations in Ticino with application of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Furthermore, O-Tur seeks to implement the monitoring system of tourism which would be of considerable support for strategic decision-making processes of the tourism stakeholders, cantonal administration and tour operators.

O-Tur promotes academic research on tourism issues and, together with the other IRE observatories, regularly organizes workshops and seminars dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of debate between professionals and academics on the most topical issues.



Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Winter 2023-2024 

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - April 2024  

Database update


O-Tur Easter 2024 Infographic


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - March 2024

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - February 2024

Database update


Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Autumn 2023

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - January 2024 

Database update

O-Tur Christmas 2023 Infographic


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - December 2023

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - November 2023

Database update


Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Summer 2023  

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - October 2023

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - September 2023   

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - August 2023  

Database update


Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Spring 2023 

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - July 2023 

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - June 2023

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - May 2023

Database update


O-Tur Survey Easter 2023

Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Winter 2022-2023

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - April 2023

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - March 2023

Database update


Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - February 2023

Database update


Statistics on tourist demand (hotel sector) - Autumn 2021

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Ticino (hotel sector) - November 2022

H-Benchmark report - Autunno 2022 e aspettative per l'inverno

Infographic on Lugano Region hotel sector H-Benchmark - December 2022

Database update