
Observatory for Public Finance and Energy (O-FPE)


The Observatory for Public Finance and Energy (O-FPE) operates within the Institute for Economic Research (IRE) at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI).

Founded in 2017, O-FPE is in charge of monitoring and analysing the state and evolution of both public finances, and the energy market in the Canton Ticino, in light of the dynamics observed in the neighbouring Swiss and European regions that strongly influence the reference scenario for Ticino.

Based on the sound experience of its researchers and by working in close cooperation with O-DE and O-Tur, O-FPE aims at supporting decision making and fostering an informed debate in the fields of public finance and energy. Research and reports are commissioned by the Dipartimento delle Finanze e dell'Economia (DFE) of the Canton Ticino, and most can be freely accessed by any citizen or stakeholder with an interest in understanding and interpreting these topics.