
confronti-turismo 2013

confronti-turismo 2013 offers a debate on issues regarding the current tourism situation at local, national and international level, discussing about challenges and opportunities introduced by the tourism organization reform proposed by the government of Canton Ticino. Focusing on the 4 future Ticino destinations, the debate will identify communalities and differences between them and some potential competitor destinations.

The program foresees a first part dedicated to the presentations by experts, while the second part proposes a panel discussion among the representatives from the 4 future Ticino destinations, competitor representatives and Ticino Turismo.


08h00 – 08h30 Reception
08h30 – 08h45 Welcome and Introduction
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
08h45 – 09h15 Ticino desitnations and their competitors: between communalities and differences (1.7MB)
Stefano Scagnolari, Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI
09h15 – 09h45 Tourism experiences in Ticino: a quantitative analysis (280KB)
Judit Zoltan, Researcher IRE-USI
09h45 – 10h15 Challenges to modern destination management (3.2MB)
Urs Wagenseil, Professor ITW-HSLU
10h15 – 10h45 Coffee break
10h45 – 12h15 Round table
With the participation of the representatives from the 4 future Ticino destinations, competitor representatives and Ticino Turismo

Nadia Fontana-Lupi (Director of Mendrisiotto Turismo), Gian Luca Cantarelli (Director of Bellinzona Turismo), Fabio Bonetti (Director of Ente Turistico Lago Maggiore), Marco Sorgesa (Director of Dicastero Turismo di Lugano), Roberta Agosti (Director of Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo di Bolzano), Marco Benedetti (President of Ingarda Trentino), Loris Cavagna (Director of APT Rovereto e Vallagarina), Carlotta Ferrari (Director of Firenze Convention Bureau), Charles Barras (Vicedirector of Ticino Turismo)

12h15 – 12h30 Challenges for Ticino Turismo
Elia Frapolli, Director of Ticino Turismo
12h30 – 12h45 Closing remarks
Rico Maggi, IRE Director

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino - Ticino: Il turista straniero fatica a valicare il Ceneri, Gian Luigi Trucco, 21 giugno 2013

GIORNALEdelPOPOLO – Turismo: "Il futuro cominci già.. ora", 21 giugno 2013

laRegioneTicino – Le sfide future del settore turistico, Generoso Chiaradonna, 21 giugno 2013

RSI LA 1 – Il Quotidiano: Le sfide del turismo ticinese, 20 giugno 2013