
Confronti 2019

Economic choices and ecological sustainability

The 2019 edition of confronti will discuss the issue of sustainability from an economic perspective: the aim is to reflect on how to reconcile the urgent and important challenge of ecological sustainability with a transition to a prosperous and inclusive economic system.

The event will propose 3 main moments: reception and educational games; plenary session including debate between experts and public; networking apero with thematic islands presenting IRE research.

The first moment will give the opportunity of informal meetings with the participants: industrial and institutional stakeholders, involved citizens, university students and some Lugano high school classes. High school classes’ attendance is one of the most interesting innovations of the 2019 edition: the involvement of young students who will be able to familiarize with academic research and, most of all, to have a chance to deepen their knowledge on this global issue. This involvement will be realized through the organization of educational games: an energy game (similar to the ones IRE organized at Expo 2015 in Milan and Expo 2017 in Astana), a game of economic compensation and a fishing game.

The plenary session will propose a debate between Luca Mercalli, president of Società Meteorologica Italiana, climatologist, and Lucas Bretschger, professor at ETHZ, economist dealing with sustainability, environment, energy and economic growth. We will discuss the urgent questions arising on the matter: which economic strategies to face climate change challenges? How to combine urgency of ecological sustainability with the transition to an inclusive economic system? Which individual choices are we willing to take?

Closing the event will be a networking apero offering further opportunities for interaction, also around thematic islands that will introduce activities of the IRE Observatories: O-FpE, O-Tur, O-De.



Reception: welcome and introduction


Energy game, economic compensation game, fishing game


Results of the games


Plenary session: debate
Which economic strategies to face climate change challenges?

16:00-16:45 Luca Mercalli, climatologist, president of Società Meteorologica Italiana

16:45-17:30 Lucas Bretschger, economist, professor ETHZ

17:30-18:00 Questions and comments from the public


Networking apero with IRE Observatories’ thematic islands

Reference documents


Luca Mercalli, climatologo, presidente della Società Meteorologica Italiana

Lucas Bretschger, economista, professore ETHZ

Results of the games (pdf)

Review of the press

Quel difficile equilibrio fra economia e ambiente, Corriere del Ticino, 06.11.2019

Il climatologo e l’economista, La Regione Ticino, 06.11.2019

Il voto secondo Mercalli, TeleTicino / Ticino News TG, 05.11.2019

"Mi piacerebbe che in Italia si votasse come qui",, 06.11.2019 06:30

Clima e sostenibilità, L'Universo, novembre 2019

Clima: agire tutti, agire subito, Andrea Rigazzi, Baobab, Rete 3, 2 dicembre 2019