
Festival of Economics of the Cantonal School of Commerce 2023

Institute for Economic Research

Start date: 23 March 2023

End date: 30 March 2023

Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, titular professor at the Faculty of Economics and Deputy Director of the Institute for Economic Research (IRE), was invited to give the opening lecture on the second day of the Festival of Economics at the Cantonal Business School.

The Festival of Economics of the Cantonal School of Commerce, now in its sixth year and titled C’era una volta la sostenibilità? L’economia e l’ecologia, una lunga relazione ambivalente will take place March 23-30, 2023. In her talk, professor Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini will discuss Storia e futuro della sostenibilità, trattando il ruolo dell’economia e delle istituzioni.

This important event created in 2015 and organized by a group of political and business economics professors from the Cantonal School of Commerce, will include specific activities for students between March 23 and 24 and a public evening on March 30, 2023.

The festival is supported by éducation21.