
Ucit "Business Ethics" Award: Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, member of the jury

Institute for Economic Research

Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, adjunct professor at the Faculty of Economics and vice-director of the Institute for Economic Research (IRE), has been appointed as a jury member for the UCIT "Business Ethics" Award.

The award aims to give visibility and honour those who have proven to be the most ethical and socially responsible: sustainability, inclusion, diversity, and gender issues. The wish is to trigger further the processes of change aimed at the common good and the promotion of positive ethics in all its forms in the business world. The award, now in its second year, will be presented on 5 December at the Hotel Lugano Dante.

UCIT, Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Ticinesi, is an association created to unite entrepreneurs and managers who carry the values of corporate social responsibility.