
confronti 2006

November 28, 2006 - Monte-Verità, Ascona

Economic policies and growth 

The 2006 edition of confronti will be devoted to analysing growth policies. The theme appears to fit in quite harmoniously with the central issues of the preceding events (engines of growth, innovation, employment and the job market). Here is, therefore, an excellent opportunity for launching a (comparative) debate on economic policies, solutions/applications, strategies and programmes at both national and international levels.

This year, however, there will be a new confronti: restyled, and fashioned as a half-day event. Its programme has been streamlined, with stronger emphasis being placed on the interaction between participants, but also between participants and national and international authorities and experts in the field.


08.30 Accoglienza

Saluto da parte degli organizzatori Siegfried Alberton, Istituto di ricerche economiche


Discussione in Atelier

Brainstorming organizzato sui temi delle politiche della crescita


Pausa caffé


Tavola rotonda Aymo Brunetti, capo della Direzione della politica economica, SECO
Christoph Koellreuter, Direttore, Bak Basel Economics
Patrick Lenain, Chef de division, Etudes Economiques Nationales, Paris, OCSE
Rico Maggi, Direttore, Istituto di ricerche economiche

Moderatori: Gianfranco Fabi, vice-direttore vicario de Il Sole 24ore e Siegfried Alberton, responsabile CODE_IRE

Per accedere le presentazioni degli oratori:




Chiusura dei lavori

Reference documents

SECO, Das Wachstumspaket kommt auch in seinem zweiten Jahr voran, 1.2.2006
(Text in English not available)

Der Bundesrat hat vom Bericht «Das Wachstumspaket des Bundesrates: Stand Ende 2005» der Interdepartementalen Arbeitsgruppe Wachstum Kenntnis genommen. 2 Massnahmen sind heute verwirklicht, 7 neue Botschaften konnten dem Parlament zugeleitet werden, in 4 Berichten wurden Entscheidgrundlagen für 2006 auszuarbeitende Massnahmen bereitgestellt und 2 neue Massnahmen vervollständigen das Paket. Die Rückstände bei der Revision des Krankenversicherungsgesetzes geben allerdings zu Sorgen Anlass.

Further information about SECO publications is available at SECO web page

BAK Basel Economics, Research program "Policy and Regional Growth", Determinants of Productivity Growth, Basel, January 2005
Executive Summary 2004/2005

Further information about this research program is available on this web page: BAK Basel Economics

CODE_IRE, Dinamiche economiche, Il Ticino economico nel confronto interregionale dal 1985 al 2001, 05.2004 (Text in English not available)

OCSE, "Going for Growth" in Seven OECD Countries