

Social acceptance and sustainability:
exploring the connections between economy, region, and society

November 28th, 2023, Aula Magna USI

Promoting sustainable development means meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Nowadays, sustainability is shaping the policies adopted by several countries, resulting in significant consequences in economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Therefore, policy makers often face the challenge of defining realistic actions that incorporate these three interlinked dimensions, comply with the existing financial constraints, and mitigate any negative side-effect with positive outcomes for the overall well-being of citizens.

No policy aimed at sustainability can be effectively implemented without citizens’ involvement, or without accounting for the changes that will occur in production and consumption patterns. Since any new infrastructure may impact the landscape, it is imperative to involve local communities in a timely manner. This helps strike a balance between economic and social development on one hand, and the preservation of nature on the other. A thoughtful consideration of the context in which any intervention takes place is crucial to avoid future conflicts.

How can we design sustainable policies and infrastructures that benefit both communities, and firms? Confronti 2023 contributes to this debate by fostering dialogue among citizens, entrepreneurs, and local stakeholders.

The meeting will be in Italian and English, with simultaneous translation service.

Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen

Università di San Gallo – Direttore IWOe

“With key technologies like solar PV, windpower, heat pumps and electric vehicles now being commercially available, Switzerland can become a role model for a swift transition to a low-carbon energy system. The task for leaders in business and society is to gain community acceptance, so that climate solutions can be implemented at the speed and scale that is needed."

Prof. Damiano De Marchi

FVCMS/VSF – Project Manager

"Ogni progetto di sviluppo turistico deve comprenderne gli impatti, sia per l'importanza del fenomeno, tale ad arrivare a condizionare la radice stessa dell'identità dei territori, sia per l'imprescindibilità di una gestione sostenibile degli stessi. In un approccio pragmatico, questo può essere tradotto innanzi tutto nell'identificazione dei fattori strategici della sostenibilità integrata, ricavandone sia gli aspetti di multidimensionalità - ambientale, sociale, economica, culturale, governance, ecc - sia gli aspetti di influenza sulle determinanti del comportamento dei diversi "utenti" di una destinazione. Bisogna assicurarne poi una interpretazione competente e adeguata al contesto, per diffondere consapevolezza verso gli stakeholders e ricavarne le soluzioni più efficaci."

Beatrice Petrovich

EMBER – Senior Energy and Climate Analyst

"A successful energy project or policy needs to engage citizens, local stakeholders and communities all the way from the planning stage. Participation starts with citizen awareness of energy and climate topics, transparent data and information."

Nicola Tettamanti

Swissmechanics – Presidente

"Lo sviluppo sostenibile ha assunto un ruolo centrale nella produzione industriale, volta da sempre alla massimizzazione dell’efficienza, oggi improntata a combinare le proprie competenze tecniche per generare livelli di produttività sempre più alti ma al contempo partecipare allo sviluppo di soluzioni tecnologiche che riducono costantemente il fabbisogno di energia e di risorse naturali. La velocità con cui l’industria produrrà innovazioni e integrerà le nuove tecnologie è un elemento cruciale della transizione energetica che stiamo attraversando."


09:30 – 10:00

Registration and welcome coffee

10:00 – 10:30

Welcome address by State Councilor Dr. Christian Vitta
 Director of the Department for Finance and Economics

Welcome address by Prof Luisa Lambertini
Rector of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Introduction and opening speech by Prof. Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini
USI Faculty of Economics, Deputy Director of the IRE

10:30 – 11:15

Keynote speaker

Social acceptance: a key ingredient for a successful energy transition"?
Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen, Director of the IWOe, University of St. Gallen

11:15 – 11:30

Q&A with Prof. Rolf Wüstenhagen

11:30 – 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 – 12:45

Round table

Moderated by the researchers of the IRE

Damiano De Marchi, FVCMS/VSF - Project Manager

Beatrice Petrovich, EMBER - Senior Energy and Climate Analyst

Nicola Tettamanti, President Swissmechanic

12:45 – 13:00

Closing remarks
Prof. Mario Jametti
USI Faculty of economics, Director of the IRE

