
confronti 2009

Risk, uncertainty, speculation, and economic growth:
A complex challenge for a sustainable recovery

The 2009 edition of our symposium is devoted to the concept of risk – in all its nuances and manifestations – and the part it plays in the processes of economic growth. Debates will take shape against the background of the current crisis, which is affecting all major economies, and whose triggers may be identified also in cases of (failed) risk management over the past ten years.

This year’s theme not only sits quite comfortably with the subjects of past editions (engines of growth, innovation, employment, the job market, economic policies and growth, the challenge of energy resources), but is equally relevant to the ailing world economies. Indeed it prompts us to observe the deep changes and challenges raised by the dire predicament characterising recent history. Similarly, it will give us a chance to examine and weigh up policies, measures, strategies and programmes undertaken at the national and international levels.


08h00 – 08h40


08h45 – 09h00

Welcome and Introduction – Sala Balint
Siegfried Alberton, Istituto di ricerche economiche

09h00 – 09h15

Opening words: Laura Sadis, Finance Minister – Sala Balint

09h15 – 09h40

The world economy between loss of confidence and new growth prospects (482KB) – Sala Balint
Martina Schriber, BAKBASEL economic research & consultancy

09h40 – 10h55

Tesi a confronto/ parte I – Sala Balint
Risk, uncertainty, entrepreneurship and economic growth: theories and practical applications (331KB)
Rico Maggi, Istituto di ricerche economiche

The notion of risk and uncertainty management in enterprise and industry (204KB)
Alberto Siccardi, Medacta International SA

The notion of risk in the processes of promoting and funding new business ventures and initiatives
Gianluca Dettori, dPixel s.r.l.

Round table moderated by Gianfranco Fabi, Il Sole-24 Ore

10h55 – 11h25

Coffee break – Bar Roccia
A nice breakfast will create a warm atmosphere for discussion between participants

11h25 – 12h25

confronTing arguments/ Part II – Sala Balint

La gestione del rischio nell'era post-crack: modelli previsivi e nuove regole del gioco per un sistema finanziario sostenibile (67KB)
Giovanni Barone Adesi, Università della Svizzera italiana

Nuovi modelli gestionali del rischio nel dopo crack finanziario (861KB)
Aldo Visani, BSI

Round table moderated by Gianfranco Fabi, Il Sole-24 Ore

12h25 – 12h55

Il sistema finanziario che ci attende: nuovi equilibri internazionali per una ripresa sostenibile (10.9MB) – Sala Balint
Pietro Veglio, CdA SERV

12h55 – 13h10

Concluding remarks – Sala Balint

13h10 – 14h40

Lunch – Sala Luce


confronTi09 ends here

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino - confronTi su rischio e crescita, Mario Tettamanti, 27 novembre 2009

GIORNALE del POPOLO - Peggio della Svizzera, ma meglio dell'Europa, Corrado Bianchi Porro, 27 novembre 2009

GIORNALE del POPOLO - Ticino, ripresa più debole della media elvetica, Corrado Bianchi Porro, 27 novembre 2009

RSI LA1 - Il Quotidiano, Oscar Acciari, 26 novembre 2009

RSI Rete Due - Plusvalore, Gianfranco Fabi, 27 novembre 2009