
confronti-turismo 2014

confronti-turismo 2014 aims at deepening issues related to cultural tourism. The debate will describe the opportunities that the sector offers for the development of a tourist destination, pointing out some specificities of supply and demand.
After a brief introduction, the program will include a first part devoted to presentations by speakers from O-Tur on recent studies on the topic in Ticino and by external experts who will indicate some strategic priorities. In the second part, the event will propose a roundtable composed of representatives of the tourism and the cultural sectors.


08h00 - 08h30 Reception
08h30 - 08h40 Welcome and introduction
Stefano Scagnolari, Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI
08h40 - 09h10 Challenges and opportunities of cultural tourism
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
09h10 - 09h50 Profiling the contemporary cultural tourist
Prof.ssa Angela Besana, Università IULM di Milano
09h50 - 10h30 The connection between culture and tourism in Ticino: some empirical analysis
Stefano Scagnolari and Igor Sarman, IRE-USI
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 12h15

Round table
With the participation of the representatives of the tourism and the cultural sectors,

Claudio Chiapparino (Coordinator of Area Turismo ed Eventi, Dicastero Turismo, Eventi e Congressi, Dicastero Giovani e Lavoro, Città di Lugano), Elena Marchiori (Postdoctoral Researcher,, Fabio Bonetti (Director of Ente Turistico Lago Maggiore), Elia Frapolli (Director of Ticino Turismo)

Round table moderated by Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director

12h15 - 12h30 Closing remarks
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director
13h00 Buffet

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino - Il turismo culturale è una opportunità per il cantone, Gian Luigi Trucco, 18 giugno 2014

laRegioneTicino - Per un turismo più creativo, Priscilla De Lima, 18 giugno 2014