
confronti-economia 2016

Since the beginning of the Twenty-first century, our society has been experiencing a rapid digital revolution. Concepts such as ''The Internet of Things" or "E-commerce" have become more and more universally used. This transformation has not spared the industrial sector, leading to the "fourth industrial revolution" or "industry 4.0." These terms indicate the change in industrial manufacturing processes due to the increasing integration of digital technologies and resulting in changes of products and production methods.

confronti-economia 2016 aims to explore these issues, by means of involving researchers, policymakers and industry representatives who will discuss the current situation and future opportunities for our canton in relation to the digitalization of the economy.

The program includes presentations by the speakers from IRE-USI, as well as other universities involved in the study of the so-called "smart industry", who will discuss opportunities and challenges of digitalization. The event will continue with a panel discussion made up of institutional and economic operators.



08h00 - 08h30 Reception
08h30 - 08h35 Opening and introduction
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director
08h35 - 08h45 Welcome by Christian Vitta
Minister and Director of the Department of Economic Affairs and Finance
08h45 - 09h15 Industry 4.0: technology, business and society
Prof. Giampaolo Vitali, IRCRES-CNR Researcher e GEI Secretary
09h15 - 09h35 Ticino as entrepreneurial location: specializations and peculiarities
Federica Rossi, Head of the Observatory of Economic Policy, IRE-USI
09h35 - 10h00 Sfide e opportunità nel mercato del lavoro
Moreno Baruffini, Head of the Observatory of Labor Market, IRE-USI
Davide Arioldi, Observatory of Economic Policy Researcher, IRE-USI
10h00 - 10h30 Coffee break
10h30 - 12h30 Round table: Ticino and industry 4.0
With the participation of representatives from associations and Ticino economy.
Giorgio Calderari (Farma Industria Ticino President), Stefano Modenini (AITI Director), Gianni Minetti (Paradox Engineering President), Antonio Turroni (Senior Advisor di The Boston Consulting Group), Giampaolo Vitali (IRCRES-CNR Researcher e GEI Secretary).
12h30 - 12h45 Closing remarks
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director
12h45 Buffet

Reference documents


Industry 4.0: technology, business and society
Prof. Giampaolo Vitali, IRCRES-CNR Researcher e GEI Secretary

Ticino as entrepreneurial location: specializations and peculiarities
Federica Rossi, Responsabile Osservatorio delle Politiche economiche, IRE-USI

Opportunities and challenges in labor market
Moreno Baruffini, Head of the Observatory of Labor Market, IRE-USI

Opportunities and challenges in labor market
Davide Arioldi, Ricercatore Osservatorio delle Politiche economiche, IRE-USI

Review of the press

Il Ticino pronto alla rivoluzione - Vanni Caratto, Corriere del Ticino, 25.11.2016

Ticino: sfide e opportunutà dell'economia digitale - Corrado Bianchi Porro, Giornale del Popolo, 25.11.2016

La sfida dell'indistria 4.0 - Generoso Chiaradonna, laRegione, 25.11.2016

Come si posiziona il Ticino di fronte alla sfida della digitalizzazione? - Laura Milani, Ticino News Live, TeleTicino, 24.11.2016

La rivoluzione industriale digitale "Industria 4.0" sta prendendo sempre più piede anche in Ticino - Marzio Minoli, Cronache della Svizzera italiana 18.00, RSI Rete Uno, 24.11.2016