
confronti autunno 2017

confronti autunno 2017 aims to analyse and discuss the competitive conditions of Ticino in an international scenario. Special emphasis will be given to the description of trade relations and links with the border regions, to the trend of a strategic factor, such as the electricity market and, finally, to the evolution of human capital, both on the demand and the supply side. As usual, researchers, policymakers and industry representatives will be involved, discussing the current situation and outlooks of the economy of our canton.

The program includes presentations by the speakers from IRE-USI, which will illustrate various aspects of the Ticino economy. The second part of the morning will be devoted to the comparison with other economic contexts. In particular, the production system of the neighbouring Lombardy and the trends that characterize the economy of Europe and Eurozone will be examined.


8.00 - 8.30


8.30 - 8.40

Opening and introduction
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
Federica Rossi, Head of the Observatory of Economic Dynamics, IRE-USI

8.40 - 8.50

Welcome by Christian Vitta
Minister and Director of the Department of Economic Affairs and Finance

8.50 - 9.15

An inter-regional comparison of Ticino competitiveness
Paolo Malfitano, Researcher IRE-USI

9.15 - 9.40

Ticino: local or global region?
Federica Maggi, Researcher IRE-USI
9.40 - 10.05 Human capital as production factor
Davide Arioldi, Researcher IRE-USI
10.05 -10.30 Ticino and the energy transition: impacts on the electricity market
Alessandra Motz, Researcher IRE-USI
10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.30

Lombardy productive trends in the international scenario
Diego Scalise, Advisor Banca d’Italia

11.30 - 12.00 The Eurozone economic framework
Fedele De Novellis, Partner REF Ricerche
12.00 - 12.30 Discussion and questions
12.30 - 12.45 Closing remarks
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
12.45 Buffet

Reference documents


An inter-regional comparison of Ticino competitiveness
Paolo Malfitano, Researcher IRE-USI

Ticino: local or global region?
Federica Maggi, Researcher IRE-USI

Human capital as production factor
Davide Arioldi, Researcher IRE-USI

Ticino and the energy transition: impacts on the electricity market
Alessandra Motz, Ricercatrice IRE-USI

Lombardy productive trends in the international scenario
Diego Scalise, Advisor Banca d’Italia

The Eurozone economic framework
Fedele De Novellis, Partner REF Ricerche

Review of the press

Ticino: Migliorare la competitività - Gian Luigi Trucco, Corriere del Ticino, 24 novembre 2017

Investire in formazione - Generoso Chiaradonna, laRegione, 24 novembre 2017

Esperienza o formazione? Cosa conta di più nel salario - Corrado Bianchi Porro, Giornale Del Popolo, 24 novembre 2017

La competitività del canton Ticino nel confronto interregionale - Marzio Minoli, RSI Rete Uno / Cronache della Svizzera italiana 18.00, 23 novembre 2017