
confronti primavera 2018

Nature and Tourism

confronti primavera 2018 aims to analyze and discuss the close relationship between nature and tourism. Landscape and environment direct the travel decisions of many of those who choose Swiss destinations. Even those who visit the Confederation pushed by different motivations are enchanted by its natural beauties and the care with which they are preserved.
During the event we will try to understand, on the one hand, in what way desire for contact with nature and pleasure of admiring landscapes are achieved in choices and behavior of tourists and, on the other hand, what are the best ways to proactively address the opportunities that this combination offers to Swiss destinations. As a consequence, rather than discussing definitions of sustainability, ecotourism, responsible tourism, green tourism, etc., attention will be paid on how a highly valued environment can become a growth driver for tourist demand.


08h00 - 08h30:


08h30 - 08h40:

Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Stefano Scagnolari (Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI)

08h40 - 09h20:

The hybrid tourist
Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser (University of St. Gallen)

09h20 – 10h00:

Nature, humans, landscape and tourism
Prof. Elisabetta Norci (University of Pisa)

10h00 - 10h30:

Caffee break

10h30 - 12h00:

Round Table
With the participation of Martin Nydegger (Director of Svizzera Turismo), Elia Frapolli (Director of Agenzia Turistica Ticinese), Christian Laesser (University of St. Gallen) and Elisabetta Norci (University of Pisa)

12h15 - 12h30:

Prof. Rico Maggi (Director of Institute of Economic Research, IRE-USI)

12h30 - 13h00:

Buffet offered by BancaStato

Reference documents


The hybrid tourist - Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser, Università di San Gallo

Natura, umanità, paesaggi e turismo - Prof.ssa Elisabetta Norci, Università di Pisa

Nature and Tourism - Martin Nydegger, Svizzera Turismo

Ticino: piccoli momenti, grandi emozioni - Elia Frapolli, Agenzia Turistica Ticinese

Review of the press

Come gestire Natura e Turismo? - RSI Rete Uno / Cronache della Svizzera italiana, 22.06.2018

«La globalizzazione è ormai in atto, differenziamoci», Anna Riva, Corriere del Ticino, 22.06.2018

Turismo, è ora di vendere la pioggia, Filippo Suessli, ticinonews, Teleticino, 21.06.2018 DAL MINUTO 7.16