
confronti turismo 2012

confronti-turismo offers a debate on issues regarding the hospitality supply in Ticino. The involvement of representatives from the area of the North-Italian lakes will permit to confront Ticino with its competitors identifying communalities and differences.

The program foresees a first part dedicated to the presentations by experts of O-Tur and the Osservatorio laghi, while the second part proposes a panel discussion among the experts and local tourism operators.


08h00 – 08h30 Reception
08h30 – 09h00 Welcome and Introduction: The economic context
Rico Maggi, IRE Director
09h00 – 09h30: Plenary session: Analysis of tourism supply in the region of the North-Italian and Ticino Lakes – part I
Lorenzo Masiero, IRE-USI
09h30 – 09h45 Coffee break
09h45 – 11h15 Plenary session: Analysis of tourism supply in the region of the North-Italian and Ticino Lakes – part II
09h45 – 10h15 Luciano Pilotti and Alessandra Tedeschi Toschi, UNIMI
10h15 – 10h45 Stefano Corsi, UNIMI
10h45 – 11h15 Antonella Capriello, UNIPMN
11h15 – 11h30 Coffee break
11h30 – 12h45 Round table: Challenges and opportunities
Round table moderated by Katya Cometta, free-lance and editor of
12h45 – 13h00 Closing remarks
Rico Maggi, IRE Director

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino – Ticino: pensare al rilancio del settore turisticoGian Luigi Trucco, 15 giugno 2012

GIORNALEdelPOPOLO – “Per le regioni dei laghi ci vuole una promozione unitaria”, N.M., 15 giugno 2012

laRegioneTicino – Ticino, ora la concorrenza sa di lago, POL, 15 giugno 2012

RSI LA 1 – Il Quotidiano: Turismo esaminato, 14 giugno 2012