
confronti 2004


25 novembre 2004


The 2004 edition was devoted to the theme of ‘technology and innovation’. These two factors take on different shapes: products, processes, organisation, markets, and different dimensions: microeconomic, macroeconomic, and mesoeconomic. As such, they are fundamental to the processes of competitive growth and development of individual firms, as well as to those of whole territorial sectors and systems. The 2004 edition of confronti aimed at achieving a fuller understanding of the growth and development mechanisms of the cantonal economy, always from an inter-regional point of view.

08.30 Welcome and Registration


Greeting and opening remakrs by the Organising Committee
Rico Maggi, Direttore IRE (presentazione pdf, ~117 Kb)


Come incentivare l'innovazione economica?
Marina Masoni, Direttrice DFE (relazione pdf, ~20 Kb)

09.30 I fattori dell'innovazione: dove si posizionano le regioni svizzere?
Hansjörg Blöchliger and Martina Schriber, BAK Basilea (presentazione pdf, ~1MB)


Coffee Break


Technology, Innovation and Corporate performance:

  • Misura e evidenza empirica per l’economia del cantone Ticino Siegfried Alberton, IRE (presentazione pdf, ~3,5 MB)
  • Misura e evidenza empirica per l’economia italiana
    Giuseppe Capuano, Istituto Tagliacarne, Roma (presentazione pdf, ~250 Kb; relazione pdf, ~100 Kb)
12.00 Pranzo
13.30 Presentation of the ‘theses’ (arguments)
15.00 Coffee Break
15.30 Workshop reports and round-table discussion
15.45 Summing-up and lessons to be learnt from the viewpoint of economic policy
Piero Bassetti, Presidente della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti
16.15 Close of session