
Articoli scientifici

Aarticoli pubblicati in riviste peer-reviewed

Sarman, I., and Czarnecki, A. (2020). Swiss second-home owners’ intentions of changing housing patterns. Moravian Geographical Reports, (28)3: 208–222.

Pellegrini, A., Sarman, I., and Maggi, R. (2020). Understanding tourists’ expenditure patterns: a stochastic frontier approach within the framework of multiple discrete–continuous choices. Transportation, published online 06 February 2020.

Sarman, I., Curtale, R., and Hajibaba, H. (2019). Drivers of travel insurance purchase. Journal of Travel Research, 59(3): 545–558.

Curtale, R. (2018). Analyzing children’s impact on parents’ tourist choices. Young Consumers, 19(2): 172-184.

Sarman I., Scagnolari S., and Maggi R. (2016). Acceptance of life-threatening hazards among young tourists: A stated choice experiment. Journal of Travel Research, 55(8): 979-992.

Masiero L., and Zoltan, J. (2013). Tourists intra-destination visits and transportation mode: a bivariate model. Annals of Tourism Research, 43: 529-546.

Pilotti L., Apa R., Toschi-Tedeschi A., and Sarman I. (2013). La competitività dinamica degli ecosistemi territoriali. Il caso degli eco-sistemi turistici multilocali tra Italia e Svizzera. Sinergie – rivista di studi e ricerche, n.91 May-August 2013: 83-102. (in Italian)

Nicolau J.L., and Masiero L. (2013). Relationship between price sensitivity and expenditures in the choice of tourism activities at destinations, Tourism Economics, 19 (1): 101-114.

Zoltan J., and Masiero L. (2012). The relation between push motivation and activity consumption at the destination within the framework of a destination card. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 1 (1-2): 84-93.

Masiero L., and Nicolau J.L. (2012). Price sensitivity to tourism activities: looking for determinant factors. Tourism Economics, 18 (4): 675-689.

Tretyakevich N., and Maggi R. (2012). Not just for business: some evidence on leisure motivations of conference attendees. Current Issues in Tourism, 5 (4): 391-395.

Masiero L., and Nicolau J.L. (2012). Tourism market segmentation based on price sensitivity: Findings similar price preferences on tourism activities. Journal of Travel Research, 51 (4): 426-435.

Tesi PhD