
confronti-turismo 2016

The analysis of tourism in Ticino allows analyzing the interplay between positive and negative dynamics on the one hand, and its peculiarities in comparison with potential competitors from Switzerland and Europe, on the other.

The 2016 edition of confronti-turismo highlights some of these differences. The presentations will describe the different dynamics influencing urban and rural tourism and illustrate some of the key factors and trends in the hospitality sector and in secondary homes, focusing on products and services that are best suited to attract visitors from different source markets.

The program includes a first part dedicated to presentations by guest speakers. In the second part, after an introduction by O-Tur researchers on the peculiarities of Ticino, the event will propose a round table. Guests will present their experiences and will discuss different issues, interacting with the public.


08h00 - 08h30


08h30 - 08h45

Welcome and introduction
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director

08h45 - 09h15

Tourism in the Alps: trends and challenges
Prof. Oswin Maurer, Free University of Bolzano

09h15 - 09h45

How to be competitive in markets: the example of Garda Trentino 
Dr. Roberta Maraschin, Director of Garda Trentino Azienda per il Turismo S.p.A.

09h45 - 10h15

The importance of the Sharing Economy in the Swiss accommodation sector: the case of Airbnb
Prof. Roland Schegg, Institute of Tourism, HES-SO Valais

10h15 - 10h45

Coffee break

10h45 - 11h00

Tourism market trends in Ticino
Dr. Stefano Scagnolari, Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI

11h00 - 12h30

Round table
With the participation of Elia Frapolli (Director of Agenzia Turistica Ticinese), Prof. Oswin Maurer/Prof. Serena Volo (Free University of Bolzano), Dr. Roberta Maraschin (Director of Ingarda Trentino Azienda per il Turismo), Prof. Roland Schegg (Institute of Tourism, HES-SO Valais), Dr. Stefano Scagnolari (Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI).

12h30 - 12h45

Closing remarks
Prof. Rico Maggi, Direttore IRE

12h45 - 13h30


Reference documents


Tourism in the Alps: trends and challenges
Prof. Oswin Maurer, Free University of Bolzano

How to be competitive in markets: the example of Garda Trentino
Dr. Roberta Maraschin, Director of Garda Trentino Azienda per il Turismo S.p.A

The importance of the Sharing Economy in the Swiss accommodation sector: the case of Airbnb
Prof. Roland Schegg, Institute of Tourism, HES-SO Valais

Tourism market trends in Ticino
Dr. Stefano Scagnolari, Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI

Review of the press

Turismo - L'unione fa la forza e ci rende più competitivi - Erica Lanzi, Corriere del Ticino, 15 giugno 2016

Siamo lontani ma vicini e mai assenti con internet - Corrado Bianchi Porro, Giornale del Popolo, 15 giugno 2016

Tra promozione e innovazione, Generoso Chiaradonna, laRegione, 15 giugno 2016

Il turismo del terzo millennio, Susanna Cattaneo, Ticino Management, Luglio/Agosto 2016

AirBnB raddoppia in Ticino, Amanda Pfaendler, RSI News, 14 giugno 2016

Dalla sharing economy ai nuovi mercati: le prospettive del turismo ticinese, Ticino Today, 15 giugno 2016