
confronti-turismo 2015

confronti-turismo 2015 aims at defining and deepening issues regarding the relationship between tourism industry and transportation. During the event, some key themes will be discussed from a local, national and international perspective, identifying possible challenges and real opportunities for the development of the sector. Focusing on the different roles and impacts that transportation may have on tourism, the debate will outline common and distinctive aspects that characterize the Ticino tourism industry compared to the one of other destinations.

The program includes a first part dedicated to presentations by Prof. Maggi and O-Tur researchers. In the second part, the event will propose a round table made up of experts and professionals of other destinations, describing their experience regarding the integration of transportation and tourism industry.


08h00 - 08h30 Reception
08h30 - 09h00 Welcome and introduction
Dr. Stefano Scagnolari, Head of the Observatory of tourism, IRE-USI
09h00 - 09h45 Tourism and Transportation: things you should to know
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director
09h45 - 10h30 The mobility of tourists arriving and moving in Ticino
Caroline Sturm, Andrea Pellegrini, Riccardo Curtale, O-Tur Researchers, IRE-USI
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 12h45

Round table: transportation as facilitator and attractor for tourism
With the participation of professionals from other tourist destinations, among others: Jürg Balsiger (Director CabriO® Mount Stanserhorn), Kaspar Howald (Director Ente Turistico Valposchiavo), Widar von Arx (Professor ITW-HSLU).
Round table moderated by Lino Terlizzi, Corriere del Ticino

12h45 - 13h00 Closing remarks
Prof. Rico Maggi, IRE Director
13h00 - 13h45 Buffet

Reference documents

Review of the press

Corriere del Ticino – confronTi: Sida trasporti per la crescita del turismo, Gian Luigi Trucco, 24 giugno 2015

GIORNALEdelPOPOLO – Turismo e trasporti: una sfida chiamata AlpTransit, Francesca Savoldelli, 24 giugno 2015

RSI - Il Quotidiano: Trasporti e turismo, Cristina Savi, 23 giugno 2015

TELETICINO – TicinoNews: Turismo: "Basta piangersi addosso", Laura Milani, 23 giugno 2015