
Companies and competitiveness

Complexity and competitiveness. An analysis on Ticino economy

The purpose of this study is to analyse the competitiveness of Ticino from a new point of view, based on the analysis of Hausmann and Hidalgo (2011). The study analyses the complexity of the Ticino economy, trying to answer to the following questions: which are the goods produced in the canton? Is there "diversity" in the Ticino production? Are there complex assets, produced only in Ticino (low ubiquity), which increase the competitiveness of the territory? The analysis will therefore show the role of the Ticino economy, both within the Swiss and the international context.

According to this approach, competitiveness is linked to certain products and sectors. Given the increasing overlap across different sectors, we propose an analysis by “meta-settore”, with a special focus on business functions located in Ticino.

The building industry in Ticino

The project aims to shed light on the building industry in Ticino and, in particular, to study a component of this sector: the so-called general businesses. Overall, the building industry is particularly important for the Ticino economy: in 2014, 10.47% of the total number of ETP employees in Ticino was employed in this sector. In addition, the ETP employees in the last 10 years (from 1995 to 2014) have grown by 8% (IRE elaborations on STATENT data, 2014). Despite the relevance of this sector, some dynamics are still partially unexplored. The main purpose of the proposed project is, therefore, to analyse this sector in Ticino, with particular reference to “general businesses” (companies, which have all the professional figures needed to complete a building site).

Alptransit and the future of Lugano

This three-year project aims to shed light on the consequences of AlpTransit project for the future of Ticino and Lugano, with a particular focus on firms' behavior and their location choices. The construction and commissioning of the big railway project AlpTranist, in fact, represents an important innovation that will involve Ticino's territory in the coming years.

AlpTransit will reduce the travel time between Lugano and Zurich, these two cities and their cantons will increase their accessibility, intended as easiness in reaching a destination. This is, definitely, an incredible opportunity for Canton Ticino both from business and tourist's or residential point of view.

20.10.2016: Zurigo Lugano Milano: Studio sull'economia ticinese dopo ALPTRANSIT (ita)

Future Ticino

On the base of researches conducted by O-Pol over the years and the experience gained, in 2015, the Observatory carried out a study on the state of cantonal economy. Now, we are able to describe and interpret the current economic situation (with a historic attachment), and also to suggest some ways to take advantage of future challenges.

Data analysis shows that the economy of Ticino is in a suffering transformation phase, and economic policy seems to lack perspective. Low productivity determines many critical issues. However, there's some hope for Ticino. It is linked not only to the positive outlook for the secondary sector, but also to the ability to develop new growth paths.

05.03.2015: Ticino Futuro, riflessioni per un itinerario economico ticinese (ita)

New regional policy evaluation

Lo scopo dello studio è quello di identificare criteri, indicatori e una metodologia utile per valutare le misure di politica regionale attuata dal Cantone Ticino in termini di progetti. In questa ottica, le attività attuate al fine di redigere il rapporto di ricerca “Criteri per la valutazione di progetti Nuova Politica Regionale” sono le seguenti:

  1. Identification of the appropriate methodology to evaluate projects.
  2. Development of criteria and indicators for projects' evaluation.

28.05.2014: Criteri per la valutazione di progetti Nuova Politica Regionale (ita)

Low potential areas

The Observatory, through specific request by DFE, identified an empirical methodology to identify thedifferential in economic potential for cantonal areas. These areas are analyzed at the smaller geographic-statistical level, based upon data availability (sub-regions or districts) and at aggregate level as defined by the Cantonal Plan of aggregations. Through this methodology, we identified some areas in Ticino that are defined as "low economic potential areas".

Ticino in the cross-border context

Taking into account that Ticino (and Switzerland in general) is located in the center of Europe, cross-border relationships play a key role in the cantonal economy. In particular, our Canton, since it is a border region, is characterized by a high production and institutional interdependence. Thus, Ticino's economy is linked to neighboring Italy. Furthermore, since there are two different levels of competitiveness, this interdependence is even stronger.

We started to analyze this relationship in 2014. The Observatory initiated a research project, focusing on three different flows: products, people and finally enterprises.

Fashion industry in Ticino

The purpose of the study is twofold: firstly, to measure the importance of the sector through the use of traditional indicators in order to understand the entrepreneurial dynamics. Secondly, to evaluate the role that regional policies have played in attracting new “fashion” firms in the region. By involving major companies and institutions into in-depth considerations, the study aims to provide a valuable contribution to increase the awareness on the state and the importance of the fashion system for the economy and competitiveness of Ticino.

04.10.2013: Fashion industry in Ticino (ita)

EXPO 2015

Presence Switzerland, a part of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has assigned to IRE (the Regional Economic Research Institute of the “Università della Svizzera italiana”) the study “Expo 2015: opportunity and futures scenarios for Tessin and Switzerland”.

This study deals with the opportunity and possibility that will be created by Expo 2015 for the Swiss and Tessin stakeholder and with the strategy to develop to maximize the positive impact on the Swiss and Tessin region. Switzerland was the first nation to join the Expo 2015 in Milan and it (especially Tessin) might take advantage by its closeness to the exposition area and by the cultural similarity to the organizing nation. The positive impact of the universal exhibition should exceed the touristic and service sectors.

30.09.2013: EXPO 2015: opportunità e scenari futuri per il Ticino e la Svizzera (documento di sintesi)