
Scientific papers

Journal articles published in peer-reviewed journals

Book chapters

  • Motz, A., (2021): "End-user price liberalization versus regulation. Lessons from advanced markets", in: Ascari, S., Motz, A., Makholm, J,m Petrovich, B., Correlje, A. (2021): "Natural gas price control - Theoretical issues and world case studies", European University Institute, ISBN: 978-92-9084-985-8
  • Baruffini M., Motz A., Mini V. (2014): “Competitiveness and Labour Market Impacts of Renewable Energy in Switzerland”, in Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand, Alfons Schmid, Rolf Keil (Eds.): “Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Employment, Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring”, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 2014.