
Workshops and seminars


The Institute for Economic Research (IRE) organizes monthly workshops on selected topics in the field of applied economics in order to discuss on-going or recent research with scholars, professionals, and institutional stakeholders.

The final goal is fostering a constructive debate concerning recent contributions from the scientific debate, and promoting dialogue between professionals and academics working in neighbouring fields.

The workshops welcome contributions from colleagues working in other Universities and institutions, and pursue an inter- and transdisciplinary approach.


The workshops are organised as physical or virtual (Teams or Zoom) meetings and usually take place on a monthly basis from October to May.


The workshops are organised with a presentation and a discussion, each lasting around 30 minutes.

Target audience

Researchers and professionals working in public or private research institutions, private companies, and public administration. Each workshop hosts a presenter and a discussant for the presentation session, and an open debate with the audience in the following discussion session. We aim at promoting cooperation and a constructive exchange of ideas among all participants.



Date Time (CET or CEST) Presenter Title Location
15.03.2022 16:00-17:00 Johannes Reich Results from European Research: Dynamic Electricity Prices, Consumer Engagement and the Next Generation of Grid Tariffs MS Teams
13.04.2022 16:00-17:00 Willem Schrijver Introduction to AMI (Labour Market Information dep.) and its position in UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) MS Teams
10.05.2022 10:30-11:30 Antonio Massarutto Vox populi vox dei? MS Teams
22.11.2021 17:00-18:00 Muzaffer Uysal Quality of life research in tourism MS Teams
07.12.2021 16:00-17:00 Ryan O'Reilly Macro factors driving low-carbon mobility choices across Europe MS Teams