
Press review

  • "Green hydrogen: an opportunity to be carefully managed" - December 1st 2023 - Alessandra Motz discussed the role of green hydrogen in the energy transition in Switzerland in an opinion article for The article is available here.

  • "Once a hydrogen vehicle pioneer, Switzerland lags in the green fuel race" - November 13th 2023 - Alessandra Motz was interviewed in an article concerning the development of green hydrogen in Switzerland published by Swissinfo. The article is available here.

  • Are we walking into an energy crisis? - August 24th 2022 - Alessandra Motz was interviewed in the radio show "Diderot" as regards the security of energy supplies to Switzerland and the impact of blackouts or rationing on the Swiss economy. The interview is available here link (Italian only).


  • Adoption patterns for electric vehicles in Switzerland - July 18th 2022 - Dr. Beatrice Petrovich (University of St Gallen) was discussing the results of the Consumer Barometer of Renewable Energy 2021 as regards the adoption pattenrs for electric vehicles in the morning radio show "In altre parole". These results were already discussed in the latest issue of the IAEE Energy Forum in a joint contribution written together with O-FPE researchers. The interview with Beatrice is available on this link (Italian only).


  • "Security and sustainability must be pursued together" - July 15th 2022 - The newspaper Corriere del Ticino hosts an interview with Prof. Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, discussing the challenges of pursuing at the same time the security and sustainability of energy supplies in the context of the Russian-Ukraininan war. The interview is available on this link (Italian only).


  • "Is Perceived Climate Friendliness Driving EV Adoption? Exploring Consumer Knowledge at Different Stages of the Vehicle ;Purchasing Process" - June 22nd 2022 - Electric vehicles can significantly contribute to decarbonizing transport – but does that really matter to consumers? The results of the Consumer Barometer of Renewable Energy 2021 conducted in the German- and French-speaking regions of Switzerland suggest that moving closer to the purchase decision the share of well-informed adopters increases, but their climate optimism decreases. Stefan Gahrens, Beatrice Petrovich, Rolf Wüstenhagen and Alessandra Motz discuss these insights in the latest issue of the IAEE Energy Forum. The analysis available to all IAEE members on this link.


  • "Renewable Energy Communities" - March 21st 2022 - The website of USI hosts a short interview with Prof. Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini on renewable energy communities, a new opportunity for involving citizens and firms in the energy transition, favouring the investment in local and/or community owned renewable-based energy production facilities, and improving the resilience of the whole energy system.


  • "Solar sharing economy or "my home is my power plant"? Profiling collective and individual solar prosumers in Southern Switzerland" - March 16th 2022 - What are the drivers for purchasing a photovoltaic panel? Do homeowners and tenants have different preferences and priorities? Alessandra Motz, Beatrice Petrovich, Stefan Gahrens, and Rolf Wüstenhagen discuss the insights emerging from the Ticino edition of the Consumer Barometer of Renewable Energy 2021 in the latest issue of the IAEE Energy Forum. The analysis is available to all IAEE members on this link.




  • "The energy transition relies on hydrogen", July 21st 2021 - Contribution from Alessandra Motz together with Andrea Ballabio, Donato Berardi, Roberto Bianchini and Samir Traini on (Italian only)


  • "The European Hydrogen Strategy: pathways and challenges", July 8th 2021 - Position paper on the role of hydrogen in the European energy transition, developed as joint work between Ref Ricerche (Milan, Italy) and Alessandra Motz (O-FPE). The paper is available for free in Italian and in English for all registered users on this website


  • "What is the Value of Security of Supply for Households and Business Consumers? An Assessment Accounting for Trade-offs and Psychological Drivers", July 1st 2021 - Contribution of Alessandra Motz on the quarterly IAEE Enery Forum, 3rd quarter 2021. The article is available for IAEE members at this link.


  • "Switzerland is not an energy island", July 1st 2019 - contribution of Alessandra Motz and Rico Maggi in the July 2019 issue of "Die Volkswirtschaft - La Vie économique". The article is available in German and French at these links: German edition (p. 59-61); French edition (p. 61-63)