
Source markets

This product comprises qualitative analysis of the main source markets of tourists coming to Ticino. Particular attention is given to the internal Swiss market, as well as German and Italian ones, along with European counties and emerging intercontinental markets.

Main channels of data regard the examination of outbound statistics of the source markets and a network of regular contacts with the leading tour operators of those countries which gives possibility to conduct qualitative analysis.

February 2019 - Bike tourism in Ticino

Bike tourism in Ticino: Characteristics and opportunities of a growing sector (in Italian)

January 2018 - Third age tourism

In today’s ageing societies, the leisure industry registers significant growth thanks to its still very ‘active’ senior citizens. This broad category of travelers is rather heterogeneous, yet certain trends are observed in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. These tourists tend to prefer holiday homes and traditional establishments, they are more inclined towards domestic travel, they remain faithful to their holiday destinations, they are more interested in doing activities than being idle, and they represent an important channel of communication, including word of mouth. It is estimated that in Ticino these tourists can represent about a quarter of the guests in the various accommodation structures: an interesting market, which leisure professionals appear to be aware of.

The document outlines the general characteristics of the phenomenon, offering an initial analysis of the situation in Ticino and a series of suggested guidelines for the operators in the tourism sector.

The report is available at the following link: Third age tourism (in italian)

April 2015 - Business tourism: general view, challenges and opportunities

Report (in italian)

30.10.2015: Source Markets Report 2015 - Scandinavian countries

03.12.2014: Source Markets Report 2014 - Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

02.12.2013: Source Markets Report 2013 - China

29.10.2012: Source Markets Report 2012 - Germany