
In addition

Within this category you can find i) ad hoc inquiries about special topics, ii) publications of internal working papers from the IRE staff which treat the touristic sector of Ticino directly or indirectly, and iii) questionnaires developed by our collaborators.

May 2020 - The MICE tourism in Ticino


May 2019 - The MICE tourism in Ticino

Report "The MICE tourism in Ticino" - Infographic

June 2018 - MICE tourism: year 2017

Il turismo MICE in Ticino (infografica) (written by Ticino Turismo)

March 2017 - A study on holiday houses in Ticino

A study on holiday homes and apartments in Ticino: tourists' behaviour and owners' characteristics (in Italian) / Executive summary (in English)

March 2012 - Contribution to Panorama Turismo USTAT (in italian)

May 2011 - Contribution to Dati (USTAT publication): Sensibilità al prezzo verso attività turistiche in Ticino (in italian)

Spring 2010 - Tourist card

The tourist card project aims to provide tourists a practical and economic product that allows them to make the most out of the touristic offers of the territory. Its design is derived from the need of exploiting resources in the area, making them known to potential users and offering them in the most accessible format. The study was conducted in two phases: 1. international benchmark to identify the best practices of existing tourist cards, 2. empirical investigation on the behavior of tourists and their preferences for various types of tourist cards in Ticino.

Project card

Proceeding at the event confronTi-turismo, June 2013 (in italian)